Monthly Review - April 2024

Posted On: 07 May 2024 by Mark Taylor

A brief review of everything Chorley Auction House in April 2024

Monthly Review - April 2024

April 2024:

We all returned for our Easter holiday at the beginning of April ready for all the challenges a new month can bring, make sure to ask us all about our holiday highlights. Another month where we hot our biggest ever auction (22/04/2024), with the best selling item in that auction being an 18ct White Gold Diamond Stoned Pendant and Twin Earring set. This lot sold for £500, the price of Gold has been gradually increasing so anything Gold in the past month or so has been getting good prices. This auction only provides more motivation to get larger and larger auctions to top the last one, and since we know we can acquire the quality items this makes another record sale all the more possible.

Taylor and Sconce:

We held our quarterly Taylor and Sconce antiques auction in April (yes we're going to try and stick to quarterly this time) which was very successful all-in-all. The best selling item in that auction was a 1930’s hallmarked London Silver tea/coffee set, which got a hammer price of £1050, and many other good hammer prices throughout the auction. So thank you to everyone who helped make the auction possible and participated in what we hope will be a consistent and successful auction. With that in mind we have set a date for the next antiques auction, 17/07/2024. More information to come.

Imperial Auction Services:

Imperial is still going strong with the weekly coin auctions, not much of a change to the status quo here but that is sometimes a good thing. Still many thanks to Autumn for putting this auction out every week, make sure to contact us if you have any coin collections etc. Through out sister company Venditus we can offer the direct purchase of coin collections as an alternative to putting it through auction yourself.


Packit&Go is also ticking along at a steady pace, more work is being put into the website on the SEO side to gradually make us the first choice for house clearances or related jobs in the local area. Darren and Harry still always rushed off their feet just as we like it, and have put a lot of work into making the Foxhole unit a more pleasant place to work. They now have heating, running water and plenty of appliances. Last but not least is the words of our local poet/philosopher Mark;

Life in an auction house... What can I say?

Hive of activity, busy busy everyday.

So much to do, never a day the same,

First class service we aim to maintain.

We work hard and still have a laugh,

Till next month, bye from your auction house staff.


And the lasting thought of the month courtesy of Mark again;

If swimming is good for you why are whales fat?